New Media of “Identity”

Because new media has greatly effected every one worldwide, it has become so advanced that sooner or later, technology is going to be taking over. A new type of new media that doesn’t currently exist would be something the government agency can actually look forward to. In the future, there will be no where to hide or run because where ever people go, the government will be able to catch you. It’s called “identity” and the way this works is that the whole city of New York will  be under surveillance 24/7 by cameras and what ever people touch or have any physical contact with anything, the government agency will be able to get your DNA. For example, if someone touches the railings of any staircases, the agency will be able to get your finger prints. Those finger prints will let them know where you are, what time you were there, etc. Yes, this new media invades privacy to a huge extent, but it can also decrease the amount of crimes and identity theft.  

By brianli3

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