File sharing is when there’s distributions or access providing of digitally stored information such as computer programs, multimedia, etc. Common methods of doing it would be going on the internet, hyperlinked documents, or peer to peer file sharing. Peer to peer file sharing allows many users to download media files using a P2P software such as Napster, Kazaa, BitTorrent, etc. Majority of the people here uses this illegal method to download music, videos, movies, and other media. BitTorrent is actually one of the famous softwares and according to Clive Tompson in the article The BitTorrent Effect, “BitTorrent lets users quickly upload and download files that are hundreds or thousands of times bigger than a single MP3”. Because of its speed, there are over 20 million users that downloaded the application. Now when people miss their favorite TV shows, movies, documentary, or any type of media, they can now easily download it off BitTorrent. 

By brianli3

One comment on “P2P

  1. although this is illegal I still use p2p platforms to get music. Im not a fan of television so i don’t download movies and shows but its very hard to not download when you have so much media that you can get within a matter of minutes. i do sometimes buy music but majority of music i get is downloaded….. what would we do if these sites were banned? if they are such a issue why aren’t they shut down? hmmm just some things i think about.

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