
New media has effected the world in many different ways and technology has had the greatest impact on every one. Since I am hired by Baruch College to improve it, I would use a form of technology which would be a computer. Because Baruch College has so many students, it is almost impossible to reach out to every one in person so what I would do is create a survey through the computer. I would ask for everyone’s opinion to see what needs to be changed or added to make the school better.

Another way to use computers would be to create more online courses. People always end up falling asleep in class but if the class was virtual, people would be more active and more focused on the course work. Even the shy and quiet students would start participating and do online discussions. Just like this course, students can start creating blogs and other accounts such as Twitter and Facebook to get to know your classmates a little better. I believe technology is the best form of new media out today. 

By brianli3

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