Social Networking Sites

As years passed, social networking sites became more popular from Xanga to Myspace to Twitter and now Facebook. Out of the 4, I believe Facebook is the most popular. Xanga was around during the years of my elementary school days and it didn’t have a lot of features that Facebook has now. The only thing Facebook doesn’t have that Xanga did was that you were able to have your own personal background on your page as well as upload a song so when others go on your page, that specific song would be played. After I got into middle school, I realized more people started using Myspace than Xanga. I wasn’t into the whole Myspace thing because it didn’t really interest me but then when Facebook started, I automatically created an account and I’m on that site almost every day. I believe Facebook is the most interactive social networking site out there today because people from all over the world are on this site. Now a day, even little kids start using Facebook and all they do is lie about their age and school they go to. Twitter is another popular one today because even celebrities have an account on this and you’re able to follow those celebrities to see what they are up to or see what they are tweeting about. Like I said, as the years go by, the older social networking sites start to die out while others such as Facebook and Twitter rise to the top.  

By brianli3

2 comments on “Social Networking Sites

  1. Xanga was one of the first social networking sites I knew about and it actually lets you customize it more than any social networking sites there are now.

  2. I also knew about Xanga. Now that I think about it, I knew more html coding back then than I do now! I agree that older social networking sites die out, usually because they don’t keep up with the times and what people use social networking for. What do you think about Facebook though? Can you see it dying out? Many say it will continue to lead for the next 10 years.

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